CHAINLIFT V2 - Fits ALL except Campagnolo

Prezzo regolare €99,00 Prezzo di vendita €84,15 Salva €14,85

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Il compagno di bicicletta di cui non vorrai mai fare a meno.
Chainlift è uno strumento rivoluzionario per biciclette che gestisce
la catena della tua bicicletta e semplifica le attività di routine.
• Semplifica la rimozione e l'installazione della ruota della bicicletta.
• Semplifica la pulizia della bicicletta.
• Rende la diagnosi, l'assistenza e la manutenzione del vostro
bici facile.
• Protegge la verniciatura della tua moto.
• Semplifica la configurazione del tuo trainer indoor.
• Facilita il trasporto della bicicletta in macchina.

Novità di Chainlift V2
1. Ora compatibile con tutti i modelli di trasmissioni Shimano GRX.
2. Funzionalità migliorate per tutti i marchi di trasmissioni e biciclette.
3. Rimozione più semplice delle ruote con freno a disco.
4. Nuova geometria del cuscinetto del deragliatore angolare e a gradini.
5. Design del braccio migliorato.
6. Blocco a cricchetto più resistente per le odierne frizioni del deragliatore MTB.
7. Sblocco ergonomico della serratura.

Incluso nella confezione:
• 6 perni di inserimento in acciaio inossidabile:
SHM-1, SHM-2, SHM-3, SHM-5, SRAM-2, SRAM-4

CHAINLIFT V2 - Fits ALL <span>except Campagnolo</span>
CHAINLIFT V2 - Fits ALL <span>except Campagnolo</span>
CHAINLIFT V2 - Fits ALL <span>except Campagnolo</span>
CHAINLIFT V2 - Fits ALL <span>except Campagnolo</span>
CHAINLIFT V2 - Fits ALL <span>except Campagnolo</span>
CHAINLIFT V2 - Fits ALL <span>except Campagnolo</span>
CHAINLIFT V2 - Fits ALL <span>except Campagnolo</span>
CHAINLIFT V2 - Fits ALL <span>except Campagnolo</span>
CHAINLIFT V2 - Fits ALL <span>except Campagnolo</span>
CHAINLIFT V2 - Fits ALL <span>except Campagnolo</span>
CHAINLIFT V2 - Fits ALL <span>except Campagnolo</span>
CHAINLIFT V2 - Fits ALL <span>except Campagnolo</span>
CHAINLIFT V2 - Fits ALL <span>except Campagnolo</span>
CHAINLIFT V2 - Fits ALL <span>except Campagnolo</span>
CHAINLIFT V2 - Fits ALL <span>except Campagnolo</span>
CHAINLIFT V2 - Fits ALL <span>except Campagnolo</span>

Customer Reviews

Based on 1297 reviews
elec miller
Great tool!

Very well built and works exactly as advertised. I use mine every time I remove my rear wheel and it makes it much easier.

Easy as Pie

A wonderful addition to my tool bag. Initially had trouble but the online videos solved my issues. Now changing the rear wheel is easy and cleaning is easy peasy.

Frank DiMaria
Game Changer

Prior to purchasing Chain Lift I struggled with taking my wheel off. Not the wheel aspect but the chain!!! Getting the chain back its position was very frustrating and messy. But, not anymore. It used to take me 25+ minutes to get something as simple as that done. Now with Chain Lift it’s a quick process that is super easy and efficient.

David McMahon
Great tool

makes it extremely easy to switch out the rear wheel for cleaning, repairs or just to change wheel sets…the tool is very simple to use…

Tony Brown
As advertised!

No doubt The Chainlift flat out works! The company has down a great job with easy to use instructions and accessible videos. Everything is well thought out for any mechanical skill level to be successful. Had my kids watch the videos and they figured it out on the first attempt.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1297 reviews
elec miller
Great tool!

Very well built and works exactly as advertised. I use mine every time I remove my rear wheel and it makes it much easier.

Easy as Pie

A wonderful addition to my tool bag. Initially had trouble but the online videos solved my issues. Now changing the rear wheel is easy and cleaning is easy peasy.

Frank DiMaria
Game Changer

Prior to purchasing Chain Lift I struggled with taking my wheel off. Not the wheel aspect but the chain!!! Getting the chain back its position was very frustrating and messy. But, not anymore. It used to take me 25+ minutes to get something as simple as that done. Now with Chain Lift it’s a quick process that is super easy and efficient.

David McMahon
Great tool

makes it extremely easy to switch out the rear wheel for cleaning, repairs or just to change wheel sets…the tool is very simple to use…

Tony Brown
As advertised!

No doubt The Chainlift flat out works! The company has down a great job with easy to use instructions and accessible videos. Everything is well thought out for any mechanical skill level to be successful. Had my kids watch the videos and they figured it out on the first attempt.