CHAINLIFT V2 - Campagnolo

Normaler Preis €99,00 Sonderpreis €84,15 Speichern €14,85

Includes VAT

8 auf Lager
Der Fahrradbegleiter, auf den Sie nie mehr verzichten möchten.
Chainlift ist ein revolutionäres Fahrradwerkzeug, das es schafft
Ihrer Fahrradkette und erleichtert Routineaufgaben.
• Es erleichtert das Entfernen und Installieren Ihres Fahrradrads.
• Es erleichtert die Reinigung Ihres Fahrrads.
• Es erleichtert Ihnen die Diagnose, Wartung und Instandhaltung
Fahrrad einfach.
• Es schützt den Lack Ihres Fahrrads.
• Es erleichtert die Einrichtung Ihres Indoor-Trainers.
• Es erleichtert den Transport Ihres Fahrrads im Auto.

In der Box enthalten:
• 4 Einsteckstifte aus Edelstahl, passend für die meisten Fahrräder mit Campagnolo-Antriebsstrang¹

1. Außer 12-Gang-Mechanik.

11,875 Zoll x 4,25 Zoll x 1,66 Zoll

CHAINLIFT V2 - Campagnolo
CHAINLIFT V2 - Campagnolo
CHAINLIFT V2 - Campagnolo
CHAINLIFT V2 - Campagnolo
CHAINLIFT V2 - Campagnolo
CHAINLIFT V2 - Campagnolo
CHAINLIFT V2 - Campagnolo
CHAINLIFT V2 - Campagnolo
CHAINLIFT V2 - Campagnolo
CHAINLIFT V2 - Campagnolo
CHAINLIFT V2 - Campagnolo
CHAINLIFT V2 - Campagnolo
CHAINLIFT V2 - Campagnolo
CHAINLIFT V2 - Campagnolo
CHAINLIFT V2 - Campagnolo
CHAINLIFT V2 - Campagnolo

Customer Reviews

Based on 1301 reviews
Michael McClure
Excellent tool.

This tool makes the removal of a disc brake wheel so much easier. It seems well made so should last for many years.

Robert Vogel
Works as advertised

While I did look at the printed directions, I did not look at the video. Still figured it out fairly easily and seemed more straight forward than the cautionary notes might lead someone to believe. One thing to note is I would say clean your chain first with a traditional chain cleaner then use the chainlift tool to easily get the chain out of the way to clean your cassette. Also works great when you want to do any work that requires removal of the rear wheel at home. Too big to carry around on a ride. So if you get a rear flat on a ride, you are still stuck repairing the flat the way you always have.

Easy for a beginner

If you are a seasoned bike owner and you're used to doing maintenance on your bike, then maybe you would need this. I'm new and this makes things SO MUCH EASIER. I have a direct drive indoor trainer so I need to remove my rear wheel and it keeps the chain out of the way and my hands grease free so I can remove the wheel and get it aligned with the trainer. I'm not fighting lining everything up and it's so easy I don't mind going back and forth... It's easy to ride inside once day and outside another. Plus, it keeps my hands grease free so I can just start riding without getting grease on my bars. I would suggest putting it on the smallest gear and just follow along with the instructions the first few times and you'll be good to go!

Excellent tool

Very useful if you take off & put on the rear wheel often!

elec miller
Great tool!

Very well built and works exactly as advertised. I use mine every time I remove my rear wheel and it makes it much easier.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1301 reviews
Michael McClure
Excellent tool.

This tool makes the removal of a disc brake wheel so much easier. It seems well made so should last for many years.

Robert Vogel
Works as advertised

While I did look at the printed directions, I did not look at the video. Still figured it out fairly easily and seemed more straight forward than the cautionary notes might lead someone to believe. One thing to note is I would say clean your chain first with a traditional chain cleaner then use the chainlift tool to easily get the chain out of the way to clean your cassette. Also works great when you want to do any work that requires removal of the rear wheel at home. Too big to carry around on a ride. So if you get a rear flat on a ride, you are still stuck repairing the flat the way you always have.

Easy for a beginner

If you are a seasoned bike owner and you're used to doing maintenance on your bike, then maybe you would need this. I'm new and this makes things SO MUCH EASIER. I have a direct drive indoor trainer so I need to remove my rear wheel and it keeps the chain out of the way and my hands grease free so I can remove the wheel and get it aligned with the trainer. I'm not fighting lining everything up and it's so easy I don't mind going back and forth... It's easy to ride inside once day and outside another. Plus, it keeps my hands grease free so I can just start riding without getting grease on my bars. I would suggest putting it on the smallest gear and just follow along with the instructions the first few times and you'll be good to go!

Excellent tool

Very useful if you take off & put on the rear wheel often!

elec miller
Great tool!

Very well built and works exactly as advertised. I use mine every time I remove my rear wheel and it makes it much easier.